Sunday, May 17, 2009

Maclipse 3.4.2 Fixed ... More

You may have noticed that Java=>Editor=>Templates throws an exception with Maclipse ... That's because there is some code that presumes there is a non-null vertical scrollbar. With Maclipse, we autohide scrollbars on Leopard, which causes an NPE in that code. I avoided fixing this because it brought in an entirely new plugin that we had to hack, but it's just one line, so .. meh.. at this point, why stop now.

So to prevent that exception, you will want to grab the Workbench Texteditor UI plugin provided in the links area.

cd /Developer/Applications/eclipse/plugins && curl -O && curl -O && curl -O

Maclipse 3.4.2 Fixed

The build from last night was missing a MANIFEST.MF, so it wasn't exporting the plugin info properly. I think this would only be a problem if you do plugin development, but regardless, you should grab the new build.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Maclipse Eclipse 3.4.2 Updates

Maclipse has been updated with all the changes merged in from Eclipse 3.4.2 finally. Links on the right, same install process applies.

cd /Developer/Applications/eclipse/plugins && curl -O && curl -O

You may also need to remove your eclipse configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles folder (which contains the unjar'd SWT jnilibs).